Where is my local wallet stored?
Diode client applications use a local “wallet” to store credentials that enable their trustless interaction with the Diode Network. The location of the wallet files are shown below.
Note that interactions with the Diode Network Explorer authenticate via MetaMask.
#Diode CLI
Linux - /home/<yourname>/.config/diode/private.db
Windows - C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Roaming\diode\private.db
MacOS - /Users/<yourname>/Library/Application Support/diode/private.db
You can specify a custom location for your wallet with the -dbpath argument.
#Diode App (Diode Drive)
Linux - /home/<yourname>/.config/ddrive/ddrive.sq3
Windows - C:\Users\<yourname>\.config\ddrive\ddrive.sq3
MacOS - /Users/<yourname>/.config/ddrive/ddrive.sq3
You can specify a custom location for your wallet by replacing the folder “ddrive” with a file “ddrive” pointing to the new profile path.